Thursday, July 23, 2015

New Paintings

Hey all, 

It's been a while since I've posted...again. I just get caught up with life! Here are a few paintings I created for Paint Nite. As well as a commission painting of a pet; a gray cat named Monty. Enjoy. 

Sunset Whales

Toasty Marshmellows


Monday, February 2, 2015

Snowed In 2

Another snow storm! Which means another day stuck inside. Best not waste it, I thought. Spent about 4 hours painting. Mostly just to practice techniques but also played around with a few concepts. Enjoy. (Black Birds, Scarf, Snowy Princess)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Snowed In

Hello viewers, 

It's been a while since I updated. Like usual, I am keeping busy with Paint Nite. A lot of my time is dedicated to it, I even try to create original paintings to teach in my classes. 

We recently had a pretty big snow storm and I spent my time burning the cabin fever off by painting. Here are three paintings I came up with that I hope to one day teach in a class. Enjoy. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween inspired paintings

Halloween is my favorite holiday. It's the time of year where everyone expresses themselves creatively whether it's with costumes or Jack-o-laterns or making treats. I usually feel really inspired. I also watch a lot of horror movies and I always want to make crazy stuff after watching one haha. Enjoy. 

Painting I made for my costume party Paint Nite event. I call it Ghost Party. 
This one is called "Pressure" Scary stuff like the good old days. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Carved pumpkins for the first time in years. I took the task pretty seriously and did a few pages of thumbnails before getting a design I was happy with. My boyfriend also carved a really cute pumpkin. Enjoy. Ice King (left) by Me. Bat (right) by BF.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Landscape Study

Hey y'all!

It's been a while. Fortunately I haven't been updating out of busyness and not laziness haha Paint Nite has been amazing. My events are going well and I'm having so much fun. 

I've also been doing more painting than I have in years. I went on vacation in August and painted this landscape based on the lake we were staying on. This one dock had a bright beacon that they left on at night. It was dreamy. 

I call it the Wishing Lake. Enjoy. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Figure Study: Barrier

I like doing gestural figure studies because when you are loose you allow yourself to naturally learn proportions. I learned this from one of the best figure artists I know, David Bondar. The following study is in acrylic. It's called Barrier. Enjoy.